Summer is wrapping up and fall is in the air. Spice up your Halloween, Weddings, Mitzvahs, and Corporate parties by booking The Booth! Check out last year's Halloween GIF Booth!
Party Time with The Booth
Party Time with The Booth
Summer is wrapping up and fall is in the air. Spice up your Halloween, Weddings, Mitzvahs, and Corporate parties by booking The Booth! Check out last year's Halloween GIF Booth!
We ran a great activation for ESPN at TWC Studios last week as a lead up to Super Bowl Sunday. Here is an awesome mash-up of some of the many characters that came through.
A benefit for Adam Driver's organization, Arts in the Armed Forces (AITAF) was featured in The New York Times on Sunday. We were asked by AITAF to take video interviews in our video booth during their Veterans Day performance that will be presented to our veterans overseas. Click on the image below to read more:
On Tuesday, The Booth was in New York City at Plannertech, a technology conference and showcase for event planners presented by Liz King Events. We wanted to capture the event in a video booth, but in a different way this time... In spirit of the technology centered event, we decided to create a straight to social video booth that was shared directly to the event Facebook page using a video sharing app. We asked attendees to talk about their companies, themselves and what brings them to Plannertech. Some even shared what they are experts in, what they like to do outside of work and some deep, dark confessions.
Check out Liz King Event's Facebook page and some of the videos by clicking on the link below:
The Booth was recently selected for the NYC Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program. It was exciting, hard, demanding and rewarding and we were so grateful for everything we learned in the 14-week practical business training program. We were honored to make this video with them. Thanks to Cohort 8, advisors and staff for an amazing experience.